The Fuss About Monkeypox

The Fuss About Monkeypox

The World Health Organization has been one of the easier bodies to abuse.  For parochial types, populist moaners and critics of international institutions, the WHO bore the brunt of criticisms from Donald Trump to Jair Bolsonaro.  Being a key institution in identifying public health risks, it took time assessing the threat posed by SARS-CoV-2 and…

Monkeypox: ‘Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me’

Monkeypox: ‘Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me’

“I can’t believe it’s monkey-pox season already and I haven’t even taken my Ukrainian decorations down.” Robin Monotti Bill Gates prediction that the world would face an unexpected smallpox outbreak is miraculously unfolding. Should we be surprised? I know I’m not. Here’s the money-quote that was delivered by Gates 6 months before the first case…