A Key Russian Policy Influencer Confirmed the New Worldview of His Country’s Elite

A Key Russian Policy Influencer Confirmed the New Worldview of His Country’s Elite

Looking forward, it’s expected that Russia will double down on educating its policymaking elite about the significance of China, India, Iran, and Turkiye for their country’s grand strategy in the context of the Greater Eurasian Partnership. From there, focus will gradually evolve to Southeast and West Asia as well as Africa and Latin America, with…

What’s the Real Reason Why a Polish MEP Described Dissident Worldviews as “Treason”?

What’s the Real Reason Why a Polish MEP Described Dissident Worldviews as “Treason”?

Radoslaw Sikorski is seriously scared that a Western-wide populist revolt might soon break out against the supranational elite. That’s why he’s scaremongering by describing dissident worldviews like Russia’s as “treason” since in his mind anyone in Western Civilization who hasn’t been successfully indoctrinated into believing in their society’s discredited self-professed “exceptionalism” and “universality” is a…

Russian-Vietnamese Relations Are a Model for Cooperation Between Big & Medium Countries

Russian-Vietnamese Relations Are a Model for Cooperation Between Big & Medium Countries

The emerging pattern is that Russian-Vietnamese relations represent a model for cooperation between big and medium countries wherein the first-mentioned helps the second relieve pressure upon it from one or the other superpower, in this case China. Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov visited Vietnam en route to Bali to attend a G20 Summit, during which time…

Explaining Russia’s Official Response to Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

Explaining Russia’s Official Response to Shinzo Abe’s Assassination

The contrast between Abe’s portrayal by the Alt-Media Community and Russian officials couldn’t be sharper despite both forces supporting the global systemic transition to multipolarity. This goes to show that it’s possible for folks to have the same geostrategic end game in mind while nevertheless going about it differently. Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s…

Russia, India, and China (RIC) Could Be Key to Sri Lanka’s Recovery

Russia, India, and China (RIC) Could Be Key to Sri Lanka’s Recovery

While Sri Lanka’s bankruptcy is certainly a catastrophe for its people, the silver lining of sorts is that it could also become a turning point for the economic-financial dimension of the emerging Multipolar World Order if the RIC countries pool their efforts to support it. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe declared on Tuesday that…

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed

President Putin Is Right: The US’ World Order Is Doomed

This isn’t the delusional boasting of a criminal warmonger like the US-led Western Mainstream Media has comically misportrayed him as being since that operation began roughly four and a half months ago, but a reflection of reality as it objectively exists. Russian President Vladimir Putin told State Duma leaders and party faction heads on Thursday…