CMEC Will Either Ease or Exacerbate the Sino-Indo Economic Rivalry

CMEC Will Either Ease or Exacerbate the Sino-Indo Economic Rivalry

The eventual completion of the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC) will either ease or exacerbate the Sino-Indo economic rivalry of the past few years depending on how New Delhi responds to Beijing’s latest trans-regional integration initiative, but whatever it decides to do, it’s clear that CMEC is destined to be a real game-changer one way or…

The ‘Indian Balkans’ Are Burning & It’s All Because of Modi

The ‘Indian Balkans’ Are Burning & It’s All Because of Modi

Indian Prime Minister Modi has a huge crisis on his hands entirely of his own making after some of the ethno-religiously diverse Northeastern States of the so-called ‘Seven Sisters’ are erupting in rage after the passage of the ‘Citizenship (Amendment) Bill’ that many fear will result in “replacement migration” against the indigenous population there, which…

India’s ‘Military Diplomacy’ Has Been a Mixed Bag of Success

India’s ‘Military Diplomacy’ Has Been a Mixed Bag of Success

India’s practice of “military diplomacy” in holding joint drills with a variety of Great Powers and regional states has been a mixed bag of success since the former has resulted in sending positive signals about “multi-alignment” while the latter risks fueling the fears of the domestic political opposition in those states that the South Asian…

China’s BRI-plomacy Can Facilitate a Rapprochement Between Myanmar & Bangladesh

China’s BRI-plomacy Can Facilitate a Rapprochement Between Myanmar & Bangladesh

China’s active diplomatic efforts in trying to resolve the “Rohingya” issue can facilitate a rapprochement between Myanmar and Bangladesh that strengthens their trilateral cooperation through the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) and secures a second corridor for Beijing to the Afro-Asian (“Indian”) Ocean complementing the one that it’s already pioneered through the global pivot state…

Trump’s Trade Wars: A New World Order?

Trump’s Trade Wars: A New World Order?

President Trump’s declared economic protectionism has taken the United States’ international relations with several foes and allies to some uncharted territories. His open-ended trade wars toward several nations have triggered criticism among conservatives and liberals alike in the United States. He has justified his actions by arguing for a downturn of America’s trade deficit. However,…