US Planned Nuclear Attacks on Every City in the USSR and China

US Planned Nuclear Attacks on Every City in the USSR and China

In mid-December 1960, a conference was held at Strategic Air Command headquarters near Omaha, Nebraska, to outline America’s nuclear war strategy. During the meeting, plans were revealed whereby Moscow alone would be hit by 40 megatons of nuclear weapons. That is: about 4,000 times the force of the atomic bomb that leveled Hiroshima, on 6…

Militarization of Arctic: Issue of Incredible Importance Not Given Due Attention to

Militarization of Arctic: Issue of Incredible Importance Not Given Due Attention to

Europe, the Middle East and Asia-Pacific are not the only potential theaters of military operations. The Arctic is an area of geopolitical rivalry. The situation there is undeservedly kept out of media spotlight. Meanwhile, 2018 has brought new record lows in the extent of sea ice in the region. Russia has presented a 1.2 million square kilometers…

NATO-Friendly Media & Organizations Refuse to Address White Helmets’ Atrocities

NATO-Friendly Media & Organizations Refuse to Address White Helmets’ Atrocities

The White Helmets are the flagship of the Western-manufactured “human rights” industry working to destabilize Syria and to criminalize the Syrian government and its allies. They became an official entity inside Syria in early 2013 as news of “rebel” use of chemical weapons in Khan Al Assal, Aleppo began to surface. In July 2013, 51…

NATO’s Upcoming 40,000-Soldier Arctic Drill Is a Message to Russia and China

NATO’s Upcoming 40,000-Soldier Arctic Drill Is a Message to Russia and China

NATO’s upcoming Trident Junction 18 drill in Norway will be held at the end of the month and is expected to see the participation of 40,000 troops. The US and its allies have been making a big deal about Russia’s Arctic interests for over the past decade since the country planted its flag under the…

Battle for the Arctic: NATO’s Trident Juncture Aims to Demonstrate Its Dominance to Russia

Battle for the Arctic: NATO’s Trident Juncture Aims to Demonstrate Its Dominance to Russia

The Arctic is becoming an arena for a fierce competition to control transportation routes & natural resources of global importance. The upcoming Trident Juncture exercise is NATO’s attempt to demonstrate dominance in the region. NATO says that Russia has nothing to worry about, because the exercise – which will be held in Norway and Iceland…