The Neocons’ COVID-19 Fearmongering Won’t Derail CPEC

The Neocons’ COVID-19 Fearmongering Won’t Derail CPEC

US “deep state” operative Michael Rubin’s recent fearmongering in “The National Interest” about how CPEC will supposedly facilitate the spread of COVID-19 throughout Pakistan is bound to fail because he lacks any credibility as an objective observer due to his professional credentials and thus simply resorts to regurgitating standard talking points aimed against their strategic…

The Project for a New American Century and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror

The Project for a New American Century and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror

A little over 20 years ago, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) conducted a military exercise that involved a “hypothetical scenario” of hijacked planes flying into both the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. One year later, on October 24-26, 2000, another “hypothetical” military exercise was played out featuring an airline crashing into the Pentagon…

Old Ideas in New Bottles

Old Ideas in New Bottles

Numerous so-called “front groups” operate in the United States. A front group is very simply an organization that pretends to have a certain program while at the same time using that identity as cover to promote a hidden agenda that is something quite different, often opposed to what is being said publicly. The Global Climate…

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp: New Hires Will All be Israel’s Poodles

Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp: New Hires Will All be Israel’s Poodles

The appointment of U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell as interim Director of National Intelligence (DNI), a position that he will apparently hold simultaneously with the ambassadorship, has been criticized from all sides due to his inexperience, history of bad judgement and partisanship. The White House is now claiming that he will be replaced by…

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and ‘Humanitarian’ Interventionists

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and ‘Humanitarian’ Interventionists

Those hoping the non-interventionist cause would be given some real muscle if a couple of oligarchs who’ve made fortunes from global interventionism team up and pump millions into Washington think tanks will be sorely disappointed by the train wreck that is the Koch/Soros alliance. The result thus far has not been a tectonic shift in favor of…