US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives

US Enemy List: Prospects and Perspectives

Introduction For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow. This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations: the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability for a ‘regime change’ operation. The criteria for determining an…

Trump Designates North Korea as State Sponsor of Terrorism

Trump Designates North Korea as State Sponsor of Terrorism

US President Trump has compounded tensions on the Korean Peninsula yesterday by putting North Korea back onto the US State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism. The move paves the way for the imposition of new sanctions on the Pyongyang regime that will be announced today by the US Treasury. The sanctions themselves are…

Donald Trump’s Visit to China

Donald Trump’s Visit to China

November 8-9 marked Donald Trump’s visit to the PRC, which was his first trip there since his inauguration. We reiterate that Beijing became a central point for all stops over Donald Trump’s almost two-week long Asian tour. However, it was already the second official meeting between the leaders of the two world powers. The first one…

North Korea and Its Missile Program – All What You Need to Know

North Korea and Its Missile Program – All What You Need to Know

One may say that the political and military situation in the Asian Pacific is a calm before the storm. The race to prepare everyone to an armed conflict between the “free world” and the “communist totalitarian regime” in Pyongyang that was propagated by the western media has reached its peak. The US are concentrating their…