Explaining the Unexpected Timing of North Korea’s COVID Crisis

Explaining the Unexpected Timing of North Korea’s COVID Crisis

Kim is probably becoming desperate for international aid after his 16 missile launches thus far failed to attract the attention that he expected to leverage to that end, hence why he’s now playing the COVID card in an attempt to ensure that everyone finally considers helping his country without preconditions. Most of the world with…

Military Parade in Pyongyang on April 25, 2022

Military Parade in Pyongyang on April 25, 2022

Although Kim Il-sung’s 110th birthday on April 15, 2022 was spared from military demonstrations, the expected parade (the twelfth during Kim Jong-un’s presidency) was held ten days later. On April 25, the country celebrated the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army, the predecessor of today’s KPA. While the existence of…