The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians

The Dynamics of Nuclear Power Diplomacy: Russia and China vs the Neo-Malthusians

Today’s Green New Deal and G7 Green anti-BRI vision have at their heart this profound misanthropic view of humanity weaved into their programming, Matt Ehret writes. In 1975, an influential Stanford biologist named Paul Ehrlich (author of the misanthropic 1968 Population Bomb) stated that in his view, humanity’s acquisition of fusion energy was “like giving…

Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems

Eugenics, The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Clash of Two Systems

Matt Ehret explains what caused the rise of the perversion of science known as “eugenics” as a new scientific religion in the 19th century. Today’s world is gripped between two possible futures: on the one hand, a multipolar alliance in defense of sovereign nation states has organized itself around a paradigm of long-term thinking, scientific optimism…

Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again

Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again

Where one system promotes the trojan horse seeds of its own annihilation, the other promotes the seeds of fruitful new epochs of continual growth and discoveries both on the surface of the earth and also beyond, Matthew Ehret writes. Between January 25-29, 2021, world leaders were corralled into a digital conference titled “The Davos Agenda”…

An OrWELLSian Purge? Why H.G. Wells’ ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ Has Arrived Today

An OrWELLSian Purge? Why H.G. Wells’ ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ Has Arrived Today

It no coincidence that our entertainment industry today, so heavily saturated with the influence of Wells’ propaganda, is obsessed with the theme of a post-apocalyptic world, Cynthia Chung writes. “It has become apparent that whole masses of human population are, as a whole, inferior in their claim upon the future, to other masses, that they…