China Set to Help Rebuild Syria

China Set to Help Rebuild Syria

China and Syria are already increasing economic ties while Damascus confirms that China will be given priority in all post-conflict reconstruction. With many in Damascus increasingly confident that Syria will win the war against the terrorists who have invaded their country, focus is starting to gradually shift to re-building Syria’s damaged infrastructure. China is set…

ISIS “Coincidentally” Appears Along China’s One Belt, One Road

ISIS “Coincidentally” Appears Along China’s One Belt, One Road

Two Chinese teachers based in Pakistan’s southwest province of Baluchistan were reportedly abducted and murdered by militants from the self-proclaimed “Islamic State” (ISIS). CNN, in an article titled, “‘Grave concern’ over Chinese teachers reportedly killed by ISIS in Pakistan,” would attempt to portray the act of terrorism as a random strike aimed at China’s expanding…

Hong Kong’s Role for Next 20 Years? Silk Road ‘Super-Connector’

Hong Kong’s Role for Next 20 Years? Silk Road ‘Super-Connector’

It was 20 years ago today. Oh, those were heady, exciting days, informally regulated by a clock in Beijing’s Tiananmen counting even the seconds left for Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. They were ominous days, too. At the Foreign Correspondents Club in Hong Kong, temporarily propelled to the center of the universe, booze-driven Western…