The ‘Ultimate Deal’ Kushner Is Proposing for Palestine Is Delusional

The ‘Ultimate Deal’ Kushner Is Proposing for Palestine Is Delusional

Is there no humiliation left for the Palestinians? After Oslo, after the “two state solution”, after the years of Israeli occupation – of “Area A” and “Area C” to define which kind of occupation the Palestinians must live under – after the vast Jewish colonisation of land thieved from its Arab owners, after the mass…

What’s So Urgent About Kushner and Netanyahu’s Recent Meetings?

What’s So Urgent About Kushner and Netanyahu’s Recent Meetings?

There are number of questions raised by the recent visit made by Kushner and Greenblatt to the Middle East, in particular their repeated and prolonged meetings with Israeli officials. Israeli sources have said that the visits focused on putting the final touches on the American peace plan, known as the ‘deal of the century’. Yet…

Two Souls

Two Souls

“As long as in the heart, within, a Jewish soul is yearning…” thus starts the official translation of Israel’s national anthem. Actually, the Hebrew original says “the soul of a Jew”, but the translator probably got it right. It’s the Jewish Soul that was meant. But is there a Jewish Soul? Is it different from…

Israel Wants to Turn Filming of Its Crimes Into a Crime

Israel Wants to Turn Filming of Its Crimes Into a Crime

In the aftermath of numerous tragic incidents in which Israeli human rights NGOs and Palestinian activists have documented the maiming and execution of Palestinian suspects by security forces, a ministerial committee has approved a new bill criminalising such filming. They did this despite the attorney-general criticising the bill for its extensive legal defects. Notes accompanying…