How Jerusalem Issue Plays Into Iranian, Turkish (and Russian) Hands

How Jerusalem Issue Plays Into Iranian, Turkish (and Russian) Hands

Iran has, predictably enough, taken a hard line on the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. There were public demonstrations in several Iranian cities following Friday prayers and statements by President Hassan Rouhani and other senior politicians. Notably, the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, warned:…

The Delusions of Washington-Riyadh Ruling Elite and the Journalists Who Feed Them

The Delusions of Washington-Riyadh Ruling Elite and the Journalists Who Feed Them

In the aftermath of Trump’s disastrous recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the spin from Washington and Riyadh–and the journalists and think tank analysts only too eager be spun–has been outrageous. The level of sheer delusion is stupendous. This post will offer an anatomy of delusion and why it means only more suffering and bloodshed…

Tillerson, Mattis Warned Trump Against Embassy Move

Tillerson, Mattis Warned Trump Against Embassy Move

Donald Trump’s announcement that the U.S. now recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and will eventually move its embassy there, might well be the most predictable decision of an otherwise unpredictable presidency. Trump made his Jerusalem promise back in March of 2016, during an address he gave to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee…

Palestinians, Get Out!

Palestinians, Get Out!

The US has maintained the fiction for decades of being an even-handed mediator between Israel and the Palestinians. This week, President Donald Trump finally junked this tired, old canard by agreeing to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from its current headquarters in Tel Aviv. There was huge symbolism in this move that met with…