A Grim Inheritance

A Grim Inheritance

Raids by U.S. commandos in Afghanistan. (I could be talking about 2001 or 2018.) A U.S. drone strike in Yemen. (I could be talking about 2002 or 2018.) Missions by Green Berets in Iraq. (I could be talking about 2003 or 2018.) While so much about the War on Terror turned Global War on Terrorism…

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use

Author’s Introductory Note Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia…

The Global Growth of U.S. Special Operations Forces – 133 Countries Down, 17 to Go?

The Global Growth of U.S. Special Operations Forces – 133 Countries Down, 17 to Go?

Early last month, at a tiny military post near the tumbledown town of Jamaame in Somalia, small arms fire began to ring out as mortar shells crashed down. When the attack was over, one Somali soldier had been wounded — and had that been the extent of the casualties, you undoubtedly would never have heard…

The Rise and Fall of the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS)

The Rise and Fall of the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS)

Relevant in relation to the US-led ongoing wars, this article was originally published on June 29, 2015. The most expensive social science program in history–the US Army’s Human Terrain System (HTS)–has quietly come to an end (2015). During its eight years of existence, the controversial program cost tax payers more than $725 million. The Pentagon…