US Prepares for Forcible Entry Operations in Remote Theaters of War

US Prepares for Forcible Entry Operations in Remote Theaters of War

One area where America has a significant advantage over any putative adversary is in logistics. No other nation can challenge the US ability to conduct overseas operations, deploy and sustain joint forces worldwide, including remote corners of the globe. But it’s not enough! The capability is being urgently enhanced. Summing up pieces of information coming…

Marine General Sees Another US War Coming

Marine General Sees Another US War Coming

Given America’s rage for endless wars, he’s not alone. Trump escalated wars begun by Bush/Cheney and Obama. He threatened “fire and fury like the world has never seen” against North Korea. He lied claiming an Iranian threat, turned truth on its head, saying it’s a “murderous regime…the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism…threat(ening) American troops…

Pentagon Admits Presence of US Troops in Yemen as Cholera Cases Top One Million

Pentagon Admits Presence of US Troops in Yemen as Cholera Cases Top One Million

The Pentagon admitted for the first time this week that it has “conducted multiple ground operations” in Yemen, the impoverished and war-ravaged country on the Arabian Peninsula, while conducting more than 120 air strikes there this year, triple the number in 2016. This revelation of an escalation on yet another front in the expanding US…

US Creates New Syrian Army Putting Peace Process in Jeopardy

US Creates New Syrian Army Putting Peace Process in Jeopardy

The US-led coalition is training militants at the Syrian Hasakah refugee camp located 70 kilometers from the border of Turkey and 50 kilometers from the border of Iraq. The New Syria Army is being formed at the location to fight the Syrian government forces in southern Syria. The US Special Operations Forces (SOF) are playing the main role in…

Trump’s First Year Sets Record for U.S. Special Ops – Deployed to 149 Countries in 2017

Trump’s First Year Sets Record for U.S. Special Ops – Deployed to 149 Countries in 2017

“We don’t know exactly where we’re at in the world, militarily, and what we’re doing,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in October. That was in the wake of the combat deaths of four members of the Special Operations forces in the West African nation of Niger. Graham and…