The American Government’s Secret Plan for Surviving the End of the World

The American Government’s Secret Plan for Surviving the End of the World

Newly declassified CIA files offer a glimpse of the playbook the Trump administration will reach for if it stumbles into a nuclear war. Among the greatest foreign-policy dilemmas faced by former President Jimmy Carter is one that has never been publicly aired but is gaining new relevance. It concerns nuclear war, and how the U.S….

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse?

Beware the Dogs of War: Is the American Empire on the Verge of Collapse?

Wake Up, America- There’s Not Much Time Left Before We Reach The Zero Hour! Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing…

Airstrikes and Hypocrisy

Airstrikes and Hypocrisy

On December 22 last year the government of Syria regained control of the city of Aleppo that had been occupied by brutal rebel forces since 2012. As reported by the BBC, «The predominantly Sunni Muslim opposition is made of several rebel groups, many of whom have received financial aid from key opponents of President Assad, including the US, Saudi…

Shaping US Middle East Policy: It’s Pentagon Who Calls the Shots Today

Shaping US Middle East Policy: It’s Pentagon Who Calls the Shots Today

There are signs that the United States administration is deepening its military involvement in armed conflicts abroad, indicating a military-first approach. With no loud statements made to attract public attention, the US military footprint in the Middle East is gradually increasing. The military is given more decision-making authority to conduct combat operations in the region….

Is Pentagon’s Air Base in Syrian Kobani an Alternative for Turkey’s Incirlik?

Is Pentagon’s Air Base in Syrian Kobani an Alternative for Turkey’s Incirlik?

The Pentagon appears to have played it safe and set up a military base in the Kurdish-controlled area of northern Syria as a safeguard in case Turkey prevents the United States from using Incirlik while the operation aimed at pushing Daesh out of Raqqa advances, Professor Celalettin Yavuz told Sputnik Turkey. The military offensive in Raqqa…