Poland Just Became America’s Most Important NATO Ally

Poland Just Became America’s Most Important NATO Ally

The US’ decision to dispatch 1,000 additional “rotational” troops and even a squadron of surveillance drones to Poland makes the Central European country its most important NATO ally because of the threat that this poses to Russian strategic interests in Kaliningrad, Belarus, Crimea, and Eastern Ukraine, which in turn revives the historical rivalry between these…

A Counter Vision for Poland

A Counter Vision for Poland

Geopolitics is thankfully becoming a more mainstream topic even on Youtube. Although some videos on the site claim that certain countries have a rough position geographically due to climate, proximity to unfriendly neighbors or just being trapped in the mountains there is one country in Europe, that could easily make a case for having the…

Poland Wants to Pioneer a New Future for Europe

Poland Wants to Pioneer a New Future for Europe

Prime Minister Morawiecki’s op-ed for Politico articulated Poland’s five-point plan for pioneering a new future for the EU after this month’s European Parliamentary elections. The Political Context Of Poland’s Op-Ed The upcoming European Parliamentary elections later this month will be a watershed moment in the EU’s history if EuroRealist parties gain like they’re expected to…

Russia Is Competing with Poland for Ukrainian “Replacement Migrants”

Russia Is Competing with Poland for Ukrainian “Replacement Migrants”

President Putin’s proposal to make it easier for all Ukrainians to receive Russian citizenship represents a bold effort to court his country’s civilizationally similar neighbors as “replacement migrants” and will lead to a competition with Russia’s historical rival Poland for this valuable “human resource”. Population Trends It’s no secret that Russia has had serious problems…

A “Fake Fort Trump” Might Get Belarus to Back Down From Its Promise to Respond

A “Fake Fort Trump” Might Get Belarus to Back Down From Its Promise to Respond

Poland is sending signals about the uncertain future of Fort Trump. There wouldn’t ordinarily be any cause to speculate about the prospects of building the much-talked about Fort Trump in Poland when considering that Warsaw is so gung-ho about it that its President offered to foot the estimated $2 billion bill last year, or especially…