COVID-19: A Fabricated Second “Tidal Wave” of Poverty and Injustice

COVID-19: A Fabricated Second “Tidal Wave” of Poverty and Injustice

Here we are at the end of a year filled with upheaval, facing yet another round of lockdowns, this time ostensibly intended to fight off a supposed “second wave of COVID-19.” In the foreground, we have the completely co-opted mainstream media bombarding us with an endless barrage of positive coronavirus case numbers. Plus we have…

The Earth’s Population is Shrinking – the Only Thing Increasing Is the Number of Billionaires

The Earth’s Population is Shrinking – the Only Thing Increasing Is the Number of Billionaires

Just recently, it was possible to see a substantial number of reports in various media outlets predicting the growth of the birth rate throughout the world. These projections for many countries were explained by increased migration flows, and specifically reports spoke about a spike in the total population in Europe associated with an increase in…

America Is Finished

America Is Finished

About twenty years ago The Atlantic published a piece by Jeffrey Tayler named “Russia is finished” subtitled “The unstoppable descent of a once great power into social catastrophe and strategic irrelevance.” Not a very successful prediction was it? But what he did was fashionable at the time – he described what was happening in Russia…

A Dozen Reasons Now is the Time for Housing as a Human Right

A Dozen Reasons Now is the Time for Housing as a Human Right

Congress’s inability to actually represent the real-live human beings of America, combined with an economic system that rewards lack of empathy and an excess of greed, has brought us to a dark time when an oncoming tsunami of financial ruin, destitution and evictions towers over our heads, blocking out the sunlight. The impending evictions may…

Dramatic Increase in Global Poverty Generated by Coronavirus Crisis. No Scaling Back of US Militarism

Dramatic Increase in Global Poverty Generated by Coronavirus Crisis. No Scaling Back of US Militarism

The World Bank warns that there is a global poverty increase as tens of millions of people have fallen back into poverty because of the pandemic. Up to 60 million people worldwide may fall into extreme poverty due to the coronavirus, said David Malpass, head of the World Bank. “Our estimate is that up to 60 million people…