How Globalists Predict Your Behavior

How Globalists Predict Your Behavior

The globalists seem to have an overarching obsession with data collection. As we have seen with revelations from multiple government whistle-blowers, the establishment spends most of its time, energy and manpower collecting information not just on known threats to their supremacy, but information on EVERYONE through FISA-based surveillance protocols. This is because the establishment sees…

If You Use Facebook Messenger, Here’s how You’re Being Recorded Even When You’re Not Using Your Phone

If You Use Facebook Messenger, Here’s how You’re Being Recorded Even When You’re Not Using Your Phone

There are many ups and downs about improvements in technology. We have, undoubtedly, become more enamoured with its ability to make our lives easier, and more informed in ways we never thought possible. Everything has been digitized, and there are so many forms of communication, it’s no wonder the home telephone has collected dust. People…

Your Gadgets are Listening, and the Government Can Too

Your Gadgets are Listening, and the Government Can Too

Growing popularity of voice activated technology in smartphones and home automation devices means that many Americans are never more than a few feet from a device capable of recording conversations they may assume are private. But a warrant recently obtained by police in Arkansas should serve as a reminder that Americans are willingly bugging their…

Facebook Doesn’t Tell Users Everything it Really Knows About Them

Facebook Doesn’t Tell Users Everything it Really Knows About Them

Facebook has long let users see all sorts of things the site knows about them, like whether they enjoy soccer, have recently moved, or like Melania Trump. But the tech giant gives users little indication that it buys far more sensitive data about them, including their income, the types of restaurants they frequent and even…

Snapchat’s New Video-Recording ‘Spectacles’ Raise Spying Concerns

Snapchat’s New Video-Recording ‘Spectacles’ Raise Spying Concerns

Snapchat’s new video specs are going like hotcakes, showing promising signs it won’t be another Google Glass-like disappointment. Yet, amid the Spectacles hype, privacy breach concerns seem to be underestimated. It has been a full week since Snapchat-maker Snap, Inc. started selling its brand new $129 Spectacles from a vending machine – Snapbots – in…

Yahoo Secretly Scanned Customer Emails for the NSA

Yahoo Secretly Scanned Customer Emails for the NSA

In an astounding and “unprecedented” new account of U.S. government surveillance, Reuters reported Tuesday that Yahoo secretly scanned all of its customer’s incoming emails for a specific set of characters, per request of the National Security Agency (NSA) or FBI. The news agency broke the investigation after speaking with “two former employees and a third…