How Facebook, Etc., Suppress Key Truths

How Facebook, Etc., Suppress Key Truths

On April 23rd, the great independent investigative journalist, Craig Murray — a former British diplomat — headlined at his blog, “Condemned By Their Own Words”, and he posted there the translated-to-English transcript (excerpted below) to this Israeli radio Hebrew broadcast on April 21st, in which an Israeli Brigadier-General, named Fogel, explained why Israel’s troops are doing the right…

Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need to Be Propagandized for Our Own Good

Atlantic Council Explains Why We Need to Be Propagandized for Our Own Good

I sometimes try to get establishment loyalists to explain to me exactly why we’re all meant to be terrified of this “Russian propaganda” thing they keep carrying on about. What is the threat, specifically? That it makes the public less willing to go to war with Russia and its allies? That it makes us less…

Useful Idiots? New Yorker Magazine Fails Litmus Test for Media Impartiality on Syrian War

Useful Idiots? New Yorker Magazine Fails Litmus Test for Media Impartiality on Syrian War

When America’s top thinking man’s journal fails to consider at least one possible alternative as to who may have been responsible for the latest alleged chemical attack in Syria, aside from the ‘Assad regime,’ then we may conclude that the entire mainstream media complex is receiving its marching orders from above. In an April 14 article in…

How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet

How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet

Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S. Recently, YouTube suddenly shut down…

How The Guardian Fulfills George Orwell’s Prediction of ‘Newspeak’

How The Guardian Fulfills George Orwell’s Prediction of ‘Newspeak’

On Sunday April 15th, Britain’s Guardian bannered “OPCW inspectors set to investigate site of Douma chemical attack” and pretended that there was no question that a chemical attack in Douma Syria on April 7th had actually occurred, and the article then went further along that same propaganda-line, to accuse Syria’s Government of having perpetrated it. This ‘news’…