Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting in Moscow, May 26. The Russian leader has vowed Russia will always be an ally to the "Islamic world."

Putin Delares Russia An ‘Ally’ To Islamic World

Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed that his country will always be a “reliable ally” to the “Islamic world” at a discussion event on the topic of Islam and Russia, state news agency RIA Novosti reported. “The agenda for your meeting today addresses important issues, many of which are directly related to the events that are happening…

Vladimir Putin deploys troops to Ukrainian border in response to NATO exercises

Source: As NATO carried out its biggest exercise in Poland since the end of communism in 1989 – complete with a display of thousands of paratroopers – it emerged that Russian troops have been deployed to the Ukrainian border.Scores of U.S. troops and then military vehicles parachuted into a spacious, grassy training area on the outskirts…

Russia Rises From the Mat

Source: May 1, 2016 The U.S. government doesn’t want to admit that its heady “unipolar” days are over with Russia no longer the doormat of the 1990s, but Washington’s arrogance risks war, even nuclear annihilation, explains Gilbert Doctorow. By Gilbert Doctorow In Moscow, the preparations for the May 9th Victory Day parade began in the…