What the US Protests Reveal

What the US Protests Reveal

Protests across the West against racism in the United States are masking the evolution of the conflict there. It has evolved from a questioning of the remnants of black slavery to a conflict that could challenge the integrity of the country. Last week I pointed out that the United States should have disbanded after the…

The Mask Revolution

The Mask Revolution

Who could have guessed that the Floyd protest was the best Coronavirus vaccine? The same people that warned us that the virus is the deadliest plague and staying-at-home is the only escape, now commanded us to march amongst throngs, shoulder-to-shoulder against police! It appears they have the dreadful pandemic under their command, on tap: now…

You Can Be an Anti-Imperialist, Support African-Americans, and Also Oppose Terrorism

You Can Be an Anti-Imperialist, Support African-Americans, and Also Oppose Terrorism

The false narrative that’s being propagated in the Alt-Media Community alleging that opposition to Antifa’s nationwide spree of urban terrorism disqualifies one from being an anti-imperialist and supporter of African-Americans deserves to be directly debunked because it amounts to nothing more than an attempt to trick people into accepting the selective “normalization” of terrorist means…

Liberal Leaders Aiding and Abetting Rioters Just the Latest Campaign Strategy to Usurp Trump

Liberal Leaders Aiding and Abetting Rioters Just the Latest Campaign Strategy to Usurp Trump

In a fractious election year that has already witnessed Russiagate, impeachment and a pandemic, Americans are now forced to contend with the malignant scourge of rioting and looting following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a white cop. Now, many Democrats seem content to the let the whole house burn down to…