Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester, D-Del., adjusts her ‘RECY” button as she joins other House members in wearing black in support the metoo and timesup movement, ahead of tonight’s State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and members of the Democratic Caucus wore red pins in memoriam of Recy Taylor. Taylor was abducted and raped while walking home from work in Alabama in 1944. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

As American as Apple Pie: Rape in a Culture that Looks the Other Way

Shortly before midnight on September 3, 1944, an African-American sharecropper named Recy Taylor was walking home from church with two companions in Abbeville, Alabama when the women noticed a green Chevy sedan drive past four times before finally rattling to a stop just a few feet ahead. Seven white men, armed with knives and guns,…

India’s Godmen: Human Trafficking, Murder, Rape, Riots All in One Garb

India’s Godmen: Human Trafficking, Murder, Rape, Riots All in One Garb

An Ashram (spiritual center) run by a self-styled Godman in New Delhi has come under the lens of the law after it was revealed that hundreds of women were confined in inhumane conditions. Police suspect 300 other centers run by the Godman could be hubs for human trafficking. The perils of Indian society are deeply entrenched…

Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Jewish Influence on Bollywood

Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Jewish Influence on Bollywood

E. Michael Jones (Ph.D. Temple University) is a former professor and is the author of numerous scholarly studies, including The Angel and the Machine: The Rational Psychology of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Monsters from the Id: The Rise of Horror in Fiction and Film, Dionysos Rising: The Birth of Cultural Revolution Out of the Spirit of Music,…