US Military Encircling Venezuela: Regime Change Preparations?

US Military Encircling Venezuela: Regime Change Preparations?

While protests in Hong Kong and the debacles in the UK Parliament under Boris Johnson have pushed Venezuela out of the media narrative, a recent troop detachment indicates Caracas may be back in the crosshairs. For example, I suspect most Americans have heard of the Monroe Doctrine. But I equally suspect that very few Americans…

Goodbye Communism, Hello Turbo-Capitalism & Regime Change Wars: Unfulfilled Hopes of 1989

Goodbye Communism, Hello Turbo-Capitalism & Regime Change Wars: Unfulfilled Hopes of 1989

The summer/autumn of 1989 was a period of great change in Europe, leading to the end of communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall. But have all the changes been positive – for the east and west? Someone wrote recently that there needs to be more focus on post-war West Germany and its many…