Tillerson Goes Public with US Plans for Syria Partition

Tillerson Goes Public with US Plans for Syria Partition

Washington’s new path is bad for the territorial integrity of Middle Eastern states, but it’s also bad for the monster known as NATO Visiting Turkey yesterday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said two important things: The fate of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad is for the Syrian people to decide After liberation from ISIS Raqqa is to be…

US Kicks UN in the Guts

US Kicks UN in the Guts

George Washington, the first President of the United States, said that the country should «steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world». 221 years after America is on the way to get back to this precept. US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says the United States will not continue participating in the Human Rights Council unless the…

Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

Backstage at the Trump vs. Deep State Cage Match

The real story behind The Fall of Michael Flynn has been confirmed by a highly informed US insider, who has previously detailed how the Trump presidency’s foreign policy will unfold. According to the insider, which I named “X”, “Flynn was removed because he was agitating for a strike against Iran which would have had disastrous consequences. That would…