Pro-American Armenia Carried Out a Regime Change Against the CSTO

Pro-American Armenia Carried Out a Regime Change Against the CSTO

The newly installed “velvet” government in Armenia just arrested the head of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) on the supposed pretense that he played a role in successfully quashing the failed 2008 Color Revolution attempt that ultimately led to the imprisonment of the country’s current Prime Minister, with the Yerevan authorities passively-aggressively hiding…

“Naya Pakistan” Should Apply to Join the Eurasian Development Bank

“Naya Pakistan” Should Apply to Join the Eurasian Development Bank

The “Naya Pakistan” (New Pakistan) of Prime Minister-elect Imran Khan should build upon the foreign policy rebalancing of the previous administrations and apply to join the Russian-led Eurasian Development Bank. Pakistan is on the cusp of such major changes following last month’s elections that many have begun speaking about a “Naya Pakistan” (New Pakistan) under…

A Russian-American Alliance vs China Is an Absurd Proposition

A Russian-American Alliance vs China Is an Absurd Proposition

Remember this? And this: However debatable such an approach may be, there is no denial that this proverbial G(t), that is geopolitical potential is quantifiable and here is an interesting piece of analysis by former Indian diplomat M. K. Bhadrakumar, who in his piece US-Russia-China triangle in flux, againcomes to some interesting conclusions and provides some valuable insights….

NATO to Set Up Its First Air Base in Western Balkans

NATO to Set Up Its First Air Base in Western Balkans

NATO believes that the Western Balkans is a region of strategic importance. The summit that was held July 11-12 specifically expressed support for the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of the Balkan countries. Macedonia was officially invited to join the alliance. On the eve of the summit, Deputy Secretary General of NATO Rose Gottemoeller stressed that NATO supported the process…

Russia’s International Army Games Might Bring Iran and “Israel” Together

Russia’s International Army Games Might Bring Iran and “Israel” Together

For what could be the first time ever, post-revolutionary Iran might not back out of competing against “Israel” in an international sporting event because of the serious damage that this stunt could do to its already strained relations with Russia if it refuses to play against its foe in the field medicine challenge that they’re…

If Russia Is Helping Trump’s Blockade of Iran, It Better Watch China

If Russia Is Helping Trump’s Blockade of Iran, It Better Watch China

Since his earliest days on the campaign trail, it has been clear who Donald Trump and his team have had in their sights. “Iran is the biggest destabilising force in the Middle East and its policies are contrary to our interests,” Defence Secretary James Mattis told his Senate confirmation hearing, having previously claimed that the…