Putin’s New World Order

Putin’s New World Order

Is Vladimir Putin the most popular Russian leader of all time? It certainly looks like it. In a recent survey conducted by the All-Russia Public Opinion Research Center,  Putin’s public approval rating soared to an eye-popping 86 percent, which is twice that of Obama’s when he left office in 2016.  And what’s more surprising is that Putin’s popularity has held up through a severe economic slump and…

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat from the East

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat from the East

While the recent raft of Sino-Saudi trade agreements benefited Chinese soft power in protecting Xinjiang, and the Saudis by diversifying their economy, China’s slow intertwining with Saudi Arabia complements the Sino-Russian alliance. Primarily, its benefits could lead to a realistic threat to the petrodollar. The Persian rival who showed the way In 2012/2013, the US Treasury…

US Provocation and North Korea: Pretext for War with China

US Provocation and North Korea: Pretext for War with China

Introduction US Empire building on a world-scale began during and shortly after WWII. Washington intervened directly in the Chinese civil war (providing arms to Chiang Kai Shek’s army while the Red Army battled the Japanese), backed France’s re-colonization war against the Viet Minh in Indo-China and installed Japanese imperial collaborator-puppet regimes in South Korea, Taiwan…

Russia Raises Defense Alert after North Korea Launches Missile

Russia Raises Defense Alert after North Korea Launches Missile

Russia raised the level of alert for its air defense system just a few hours after North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile on Saturday and after Washington and Moscow clashed at the UN over a possible military conflict on the Korean Peninsular.” The North Korean missile exploded shortly after launch, US and South Korean officials…