Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump’s Foreign Policy

Piece of Cake: New Normal of Trump’s Foreign Policy

Here’s the Commander-in-chief of the Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake School of Foreign Policy, expanding on his next move regarding North Korea. “We are sending an armada. Very powerful. We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That I can tell you.” As if bombing nuclear-armed North Korea would be as much of a…

Surprise: Trump has Suddenly Found a Way to Use Anti-Russia Talking Points in his Favor

Surprise: Trump has Suddenly Found a Way to Use Anti-Russia Talking Points in his Favor

It’s been 85 days since Donald Trump was sworn in as President of the United States — and one has to admit, he’s turning out to be the worst Russian agent ever elected to the White House. Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president against Trump was almost entirely fueled by Russophobic hysteria and conspiracy theories. So,…

‘Nodding like Bobbleheads’: Putin Slams NATO’s Support for US Violation of International Law in Syria

‘Nodding like Bobbleheads’: Putin Slams NATO’s Support for US Violation of International Law in Syria

The missile strike on Syria was a clear breach of international law, while Washington’s claim that Damascus carried out the chemical attack that the US used as its casus belli is yet to be proven by any hard evidence, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “What was the reaction of the NATO allies? All of them…

Irreconcilable East -West Differences

Irreconcilable East -West Differences

Russia and America are geopolitical opposites. Irreconcilable differences separate them. Good faith isn’t a US tradition. Whether Republicans or Democrats are in charge, negotiating with America diplomatically achieves nothing. Agreements reached are consistently breached. Washington seeks dominance, not cooperative relations. Ahead of his arrival in Moscow, Secretary of State Tillerson said Assad’s tenure as Syria’s…

Idlib ‘Chemical Attack’ was False Flag to Set Assad Up, More May Come – Putin

Idlib ‘Chemical Attack’ was False Flag to Set Assad Up, More May Come – Putin

Russia has information of a potential incident similar to the alleged chemical attack in Idlib province, possibly targeting a Damascus suburb, President Vladimir Putin said. The goal is to discredit the government of Syrian President Assad, he added. https://www.facebook.com/RTvids/videos/1533173910026190/ “We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot…