Munich Did Nothing to Appease Cold War 2.0 Fears

Munich Did Nothing to Appease Cold War 2.0 Fears

The Munich Security Conference is supposed to be an annual lofty gathering of global politicians, and military and intelligence experts. Theoretically, they discuss serious security matters under a cool professional eye in an informed setting. Yet, in these times of doom and gloom, what the 54th conference yielded was another Russophobia show – a direct…

America the Exceptional

America the Exceptional

Xenia Sobchak was a guest on Morning Joe today, declaring, in perfect English, that she represents those Russians who want their country to be more like the US, (which calls itself exceptional). Her interview came as Congress miraculously avoided a ‘shutdown’ of the US government, similar to the one that took place about ten days…

The Charge of the Light Brigade – Britain Goes Full Circle on Russophobia

The Charge of the Light Brigade – Britain Goes Full Circle on Russophobia

The classic British anti-war film The Charge of the Light Brigade will be fifty years old next year. Who would have thought the crude Russophobia of the 1850s, which Tony Richardson expertly satirized, would be back in vogue half a century later? The idea history is cyclical and not linear is probably not disproved by…

How America’s Deep State Operates to Control the Message

How America’s Deep State Operates to Control the Message

It is not possible to overstate the power of certain constituencies and corporate lobbies in the United States. These pressure groups, joined by powerful government agencies, many of which have secret agendas that focus on national security, constitute what is increasingly being recognized as “Deep State America.” Deep State is the widespread belief that there…