Imperialism in Denial

Imperialism in Denial

“You can’t handle the truth,” Jack Nicholson screams at a crucial moment in a silly 1992 film called, “A Few Good Men.” Nicholson was addressing Tom Cruise for reasons no one can bother to remember. But he may as well have been addressing Donald Trump, who is equally helpless when it comes to the truth…

Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions

Amid War Threats, Washington Blocks UN Resolution Demanding End to Sanctions

Washington and its allies Thursday killed a United Nations resolution calling for the lifting of unilateral sanctions that are severely impeding efforts to combat the spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The resolution was drafted by Russia and co-sponsored by 28 other member states. In addition to backing the call by the World Health Organization…

We Need a Coronavirus Truce

We Need a Coronavirus Truce

During World War I, soldiers all along the Western front held a series of informal truces in December 1914 to commemorate Christmas. It was early in the war, and opposition had not yet hardened into implacable enmity. The military command, caught by surprise, could not impose complete battlefield discipline. An estimated 100,000 British and German…