Saudi Arabia Throws Down The Gauntlet To Iran In Battle For Asian Oil Market

Saudi Arabia Throws Down The Gauntlet To Iran In Battle For Asian Oil Market

Riyadh has cut oil prices to Asia by $1.60 per barrel, the most in 10 months, signaling mounting competition with fellow OPEC member Iran. Saudi Arabia is ramping up exports to regain market share. State-run Saudi Aramco plans to sell Arab Light crude at $1.10 per barrel below the Asian regional benchmark, starting September. Experts…

As the Saudis Covered Up Abuses in Yemen, America Stood By

By Samuel Oakford July 30, 2016   The United Nations has long been bullied by its most powerful members, and U.N. secretaries-general have usually been forced to grit their teeth and take it quietly. But few nations have been more publicly brazen in this practice than Saudi Arabia, and earlier this summer, U.N. Secretary-General Ban…

Blood borders

Blood borders

  Map created by Ralph Peters and originally published in the Armed Forces Journal, via wikimedia The map above is a 2006 proposed plan to redrawn the borders of the Middle East by Ralph Peters, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel, author, and Fox News commentator. It was original published in the Armed Forces…


The US-Saudi Plan To Prompt An Iranian Pullback From Syria

25.07.2016Andrew Korybko The US and Saudi Arabia have been conspiring with one another to engineer a series of crises that could prompt Iran to pull back its troops in Syria and redeploy them back to the homeland. The modus operandi has been to encourage peripheral insurgencies inside the Islamic Republic’s borderland regions concurrent with a…

Houthi Rebels Invade Saudi Arabia, Launch Ballistic Missile In Counter-Offensive

Houthi Rebels Invade Saudi Arabia, Launch Ballistic Missile In Counter-Offensive

While the war in Syria continues to rage and the world’s focus oscillates between American elections, terror attacks in Europe, and a failed Turkish coup (which no one really understands), a scrappy band of rebels in Yemen has not only withstood an onslaught from the Saudi-led coalition, they have managed to launch a counteract that…