U.S. Secret Service Chief Takes Silicon Valley Job. What Could Go Wrong?

U.S. Secret Service Chief Takes Silicon Valley Job. What Could Go Wrong?

With civil liberties now on the line, the revolving door that exists between the U.S. intelligence and private sector needs to be closed down. Secret Service Director James Murray has resigned from his White House security detail for a cushy security job at Snap, the parent company of Snapchat. With civil liberties now on the…

A Pardoning Time of Year

A Pardoning Time of Year

The resistance to the apparent election of Joe Biden as President of the United States is continuing to play out. Current President Donald Trump is continuing to fight against the presumed results of the November national election with his final card appearing to be a vote in Congress when it reconvenes on January 6th to…

Everyone Was Wrong About Trump

Everyone Was Wrong About Trump

After weeks of speculation and desperate hopes that Donald Trump might be preparing to pardon NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and/or WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange before leaving office on January 20th, what the latest round of presidential pardons has delivered is about as far from that as you can conceivably imagine. “In an audacious pre-Christmas round of…

26 Reasons Why We Should Pay Attention to Edward Snowden

26 Reasons Why We Should Pay Attention to Edward Snowden

In June of 2013, Edward Snowden was the most wanted man in the world as the U.S. government and others frantically attempted to arrest him for leaking documents that exposed the breadth of surveillance imposed upon the public. The Portuguese government even forced a plane carrying Bolivia’s president to be grounded because of rumors that Snowden might be on board. Snowden…

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New Snowden Leaks Reveal Secret Deals between Japan and NSA

New papers released by whistleblower Edward Snowden, and published by The Intercept, reveal that Japan made secret deals with the NSA – with one document noting that the agency’s relationship with Tokyo goes back to the 1950s. The information, published in collaboration with Japanese news outlet NHK on Monday, states that Japan has allowed the…

Screen shot from 1984 via YouTube

Oh, That Traitorous WikiTrump

The massive WikiLeaks Vault 7 release is an extremely important public service. It’s hard to find anyone not concerned by a secret CIA hacking program targeting virtually the whole planet – using malware capable of bypassing encryption protection on any device from iOS to Android, and from Windows to Samsung TVs. In a series of tweets,…