Is War Between the US and China Inevitable?

Is War Between the US and China Inevitable?

In recent decades, the United States has actively promoted in the world the notion that it is the most powerful country on the planet, and that the rest of the world must, by rights, slowly but surely become like the United States.However, in recent years, China’s growth has cast a direct challenge to the United States. Differences between American and Chinese values,…

Threatening China: US Intends Increased Military Patrols in South China Sea

Threatening China: US Intends Increased Military Patrols in South China Sea

Washington has dismal bilateral relations with Russia, China and other sovereign independent nations. Things got worse with the ordered closure of Russia’s San Francisco consulate along with annex buildings in Washington in New York. For the first time, the US Pacific Command developed a schedule for South China Sea naval patrols, claiming its freedom of…

Goodbye ‘President’ Trump; Hail ‘President’ Mattis

Goodbye ‘President’ Trump; Hail ‘President’ Mattis

Back on 16th February 2017, shortly after the forced resignation of President Trump’s first National Security Adviser General Flynn, I spoke of the extraordinary power that US Defense Secretary General Mattis appeared to be wielding within the Trump administration General Mattis is becoming a dominant figure within this administration.  As a much decorated former combat…

Here Are the Real Reasons Behind Trump’s Brinkmanship Toward North Korea

Here Are the Real Reasons Behind Trump’s Brinkmanship Toward North Korea

Trump is pursuing several ulterior motives in sparking a new crisis with North Korea. There are many explanations floating around which seek to answer the question of why Trump has all of the sudden decided to prioritize North Korea. The conventional view has to do with a combination of Pyongyang’s repeated missile tests in violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions and the…

Trump’s ASEAN Policy Isn’t “Confused,” It’s a Continuation of Decades of Coercion

Trump’s ASEAN Policy Isn’t “Confused,” It’s a Continuation of Decades of Coercion

In an effort to reinforce public perception that policy changes when a new administration assumes the White House, US and European analysts have made several attempts to push forward narratives describing US President Donald Trump’s foreign policy as “confused” or “unclear” in contrast to his predecessor, President Barrack Obama. However, upon closer examination, from the…