What “Drill, Baby, Drill” Means In The South China Sea

What “Drill, Baby, Drill” Means In The South China Sea

There’s a blue hole in the South China Sea. Longdong (“Dragon Hole”) is an astonishing 300,89 meters deep, in deep blue waters around Yongle, a major coral reef in the Paracel islands (or Xisha, in their Chinese denomination). Cynics may argue that after the recent ruling in The Hague largely against China’s “nine-dash line”, the…

Asia-Pacific Pivot: US to Deploy B-1 Bombers to Guam for First Time in Decade

29.07.2016 As the Obama Administration continues to shift the focus of the Pentagon to the Pacific regions, the US plans to station long-range bombers in Guam, roughly 2,000 miles from the South China Sea.  For the first time in nearly 10 years, the Air Force will deploy a squadron of long-range B-1 Lancer bombers to Guam, a US…

Chinese & Russian navies to hold drills in South China Sea in September

© Stringer / Reuters Published time: 28 Jul, 2016 07:42  Edited time: 28 Jul, 2016 09:02   China and Russia will hold naval drills in the South China Sea in September, the Chinese Defense Ministry told a news conference on Thursday, adding they are designed to strengthen cooperation between the two countries and were not…