From Sunscreen to Bug Spray: How to Protect Your Kids from Chemical Poisoning This Summer

From Sunscreen to Bug Spray: How to Protect Your Kids from Chemical Poisoning This Summer

The Facts: From chemical-laden sunscreens to bug sprays with DEET, there is plenty to be cautious about before lathering up your kids in the name of protection. Reflect On: What simple changes can you make to protect your family this summer? Summertime should be a carefree time of year as we head out on vacation,…


Solar Enigma: Sun Displays Record High Activity When It Should Be at Its Lowest

The sun has exhibited strangely high levels of solar flare activity over the last few days as it reaches its solar minimum, the period in which the sun’s flare activity should be at its lowest. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory has noticed flare after powerful flare in the last week, including one on September 6 that was the most…

Is Our Sun Conscious?

Is Our Sun Conscious?

I have been studying our Sun for some years, focusing on the influence of erratic solar behaviour (erratic from a modern human perspective) on the course of human development and civilisation. One of my major conclusions is that the last ice age ended abruptly circa 9700 bce due to a major solar outburst (or series…