Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., walks away after speaking to members of the media outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, after his meeting with President Donald Trump, Dec. 30, 2018. Pablo Martinez Monsivais | AP

From “Bring Our Troops Home” to “Sykes-Picot on Acid”: Neocons Get Their Way on Trump’s Syria Policy

Since it was announced a few weeks ago, President Donald Trump’s plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria has now — unsurprisingly – morphed from an “America First” policy move into yet another “Israel First” and neoconservative-supported initiative likely to continue the U.S.’ illegal occupation Syrian territory for the foreseeable future. Indeed, according to recent…

© AP Photo/ Majdi Mohammed

The Ignoble History and Legacy of the Balfour Declaration

On 2 November 1917 the British government in the form of the country’s then foreign secretary, Sir Arthur Balfour, addressed a letter to Lord Rothschild, a leading figure within the British Jewish community. In terms of its significance and impact this brief letter, known to the world as the Balfour Declaration, remains unsurpassed. Depending on your point of view it…

The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

The Balfour Declaration: A Study in British Duplicity

It’s been nearly 100 years since the document changed the course of history, yet Britain still fails to acknowledge Israel’s denial of the Palestinian right to national self-determination – and its own complicity. The Balfour Declaration, issued on 2 November 1917, was a short document which changed the course of history. It committed the British…

1918 “Sykes-Picot” & 2017 “Rojava” – Flogging the Same Dead Horse Twice

1918 “Sykes-Picot” & 2017 “Rojava” – Flogging the Same Dead Horse Twice

Throughout the “civil war” (all of the terrorists are supported by external States) in Syria, which began – according to the official narrative – in 2011, the parties involved either on the side of current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or on the side of the “Syrian revolution” (jihadists but with the western PR firms and media…