The Syrian Arab Air Force: Role on the Battlefield and Current Capabilities

The Syrian Arab Air Force: Role on the Battlefield and Current Capabilities

The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) was established in 1948. Since the rise of the Ba’ath Party to power in 1966, the armed forces of Syria benefited greatly when the nation allied itself to the Soviet camp, which contributed to the reinforcement and modernization of all the branches of the Syrian Armed Forces, most importantly…

Syria – Truth Slips Through In The New York Times – NATO Preps to Fight Iran and Russia

Syria – Truth Slips Through In The New York Times – NATO Preps to Fight Iran and Russia

The New York Times Magazine has an interesting piece about east Aleppo. Robert Worth visited it recently and talked to people there. The NYT editors/censors inserted many of their standard slander against the Syrian government, but the can not drown out the realities described therein. Thus the piece is headline: Aleppo After the Fall but…

Syrian War Report – May 26, 2017: Syrian Army Liberated 5,000km2 from ISIS

Syrian War Report – May 26, 2017: Syrian Army Liberated 5,000km2 from ISIS

On Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies announced start of the Operation “Grand Dawn” in eastern Syria. The aim of the operation is to expel militants from the eastern desert and to set a foothold for a push to Deir Ezzor. The declaration followed a major success of government forces in southeastern…