Nicaragua: From Taiwan to China

Nicaragua: From Taiwan to China

On Thursday 10 December, Nicaragua officially broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan and established relations with China. The official statement said that “the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal representative of the whole of China, and Taiwan is an integral part of the territory of China. As of today, the…

Biden’s Full Plate — Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

Biden’s Full Plate — Ukraine, Taiwan, Tehran

One day after warning Russian President Vladimir Putin he would face “severe” economic sanctions, “like ones he’s never seen,” should Russia invade Ukraine, President Joe Biden assured Americans that sending U.S. combat troops to Ukraine is “not on the table.” America is not going to fight Russia over Ukraine. “The idea that the United States…

Beware: China’s Taking the Gloves Off Over Taiwan

Beware: China’s Taking the Gloves Off Over Taiwan

Beijing’s had enough of Taipei’s posturing and the stream of support being drummed up for Taiwan across the West. Military action’s unlikely, but it will use its economic and diplomatic muscle to punish the island’s supporters. It’s been another busy week on China-related matters. Unsurprisingly, in line to manufacture consent for America’s and the Anglosphere…

The Solomon Islands’ Unrest Is Part Of The Hybrid War On China

The Solomon Islands’ Unrest Is Part Of The Hybrid War On China

What this Hybrid War on the Solomon Islands has thus far shown is that small nations which switch their recognition from Taipei to Beijing will be punished through the external exacerbation of their preexisting identity tensions for regime change ends. The Solomon Islands was recently destabilized by large-scale riots that prompted the government to request…

Taiwan: U.S. Deployment Area Against Mainland China Since 1945

Taiwan: U.S. Deployment Area Against Mainland China Since 1945

It has never been more necessary than now that the EU should finally break away from the highly dangerous policy of the “only world power”, which feels threatened and which is contrary to human rights and international law. Under U.S. guidance, the regime of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek was installed in Taiwan beginning in 1945: He…

China and Russia Face a Difficult Future in the Face of American Hypocrisy and Intransigence

China and Russia Face a Difficult Future in the Face of American Hypocrisy and Intransigence

One of the overhyped events of recent times has been the 3+ hours of telephone conversation between the presidents of China and the United States of America Xi Jinping and Joe Biden respectively. There are two major reasons to doubt the sincerity of the Americans over their accounts of the meeting. The first is that…