India’s Latest Infowar on Russia Concerns Fake Chinese Territorial Claims

India’s Latest Infowar on Russia Concerns Fake Chinese Territorial Claims

Indian media is aggressively propagating the fake news narrative that China allegedly laid official claim to both Vladivostok and half of Russia’s CSTO mutual defense ally Tajikistan, but this is factually false reporting based solely on the internet posts of private Chinese citizens and not anything that their formal representatives ever said, yet it’s nevertheless…

World War C Presents a Host of Challenges for Central Asia

World War C Presents a Host of Challenges for Central Asia

Central Asia is at risk of collapse if the socio-economic consequences of World War C aren’t addressed after much-needed remittance flows from Russia were abruptly cut off as a result of that country’s emergency quarantine measures, which in turn could inadvertently make the already impoverished population there much more susceptible to criminal and terrorist influences…

The US’ Central Asian Strategy Isn’t Sinister, But That Doesn’t Mean It’ll Succeed

The US’ Central Asian Strategy Isn’t Sinister, But That Doesn’t Mean It’ll Succeed

The US’ newly unveiled “Strategy For Central Asia 2019-2025” surprisingly isn’t sinister like some of the country’s critics might have expected, but that doesn’t mean that it’ll succeed since its viability almost entirely depends on bringing peace to Afghanistan first then convincing the regional states to more closely integrate with one another prior to collectively…

China Struggles to Fend Off Allegations of Debt Trap Diplomacy

China Struggles to Fend Off Allegations of Debt Trap Diplomacy

Desperate for cash, Tajikistan is about to sell yet another vital asset to China at a time that countries like Sri Lanka and the Maldives are demanding renegotiation of debt settlements that either forced them to surrender control of critical infrastructure or left them with unsustainable repayments. The pending Chinese acquisition of a stake in…

CSTO Strengthens Military Brotherhood

CSTO Strengthens Military Brotherhood

Challenges and threats facing the world today, first and foremost linked with international terrorism, are forcing all the nations to increasingly concern themselves with issues of security and military cooperation with their partners. Countries in South Asia and the Middle East where international terrorist units are particularly active pose an immediate and direct threat to…