Russia’s Head of Intelligence Service and Deputy Defence Minister in Pakistan

Russia’s Head of Intelligence Service and Deputy Defence Minister in Pakistan

The Russians seek to mark their presence in Pakistan; first, the country was visited by Russia’s Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, who took part in a meeting of leaders of intelligence services of Russia, China and Iran. Then, it was Russian Deputy Defence Minister who paid visit to the country with the…

Election Results Could be Good for Pakistan, Bad for US

Election Results Could be Good for Pakistan, Bad for US

A bold new political face has come to power in the recent Pakistani elections, possibly offering the US a new opportunity in that country. Sadly the opportunity will likely be squandered—again. There’s something about Pakistani and US interests that seem doomed to collision course—mainly because Pakistan’s national interests are rarely what the US thinks they…

Afghanistan: The Taliban Have Fought the U.S. to the Negotiating Table

Afghanistan: The Taliban Have Fought the U.S. to the Negotiating Table

“Attempting to control rural areas in Afghanistan always eventually ends up boiling down to personal survival.” – Evan McAllister, former Marine staff sergeant, New York Times, July 28, 2018 It genuinely doesn’t matter how the security boffins within the Pentagon frame it: the Taliban have fought the United States, through sheer will of force and mania, to…

Will Trump Do the Right Thing and Pull Out of Afghanistan?

Will Trump Do the Right Thing and Pull Out of Afghanistan?

August of 2017 was the nadir of the Trump administration. At that point impeachment was on the table. Trump was mired in racist controversy over violence at Charlottesville. He had a falling out with Chief Strategist Steve Bannon. Robert Mueller’s investigation was ramping up. Members of his cabinet turned against, notably Gary Cohn. He was…