Visitors to the Colony of Afghanistan

Visitors to the Colony of Afghanistan

US and NATO representatives keep trying to convince the world that Afghanistan is not a corruption-ridden quagmire of violence, and US Defence Secretary, General Mattis, told reporters in Kabul on September 28 that “uncertainty has been replaced by certainty” because of new US policy, and that “the sooner the Taliban recognizes they cannot win with bombs, the sooner the…

Afghanistan Challenge: Washington-Kabul-New Delhi Axis is Unlikely to Succeed

Afghanistan Challenge: Washington-Kabul-New Delhi Axis is Unlikely to Succeed

Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani paid a visit to India on Tuesday, October 24, and met New Delhi’s top leadership and exchanged thoughts over the current state of affairs in his war-torn country. He praised the current US administration’s strategy on Afghanistan, calling it a “game-changer” and the stern stance President Donald Trump has taken towards…

America Willing to Negotiate with the Taliban?

America Willing to Negotiate with the Taliban?

Hold the cheers! We’ve been down this road before. Nothing came of it, nor will anything now. Washington doesn’t negotiate. It demands. Agreements with other nations and groups are meaningless, usually breached, sometimes straightaway like the Iran nuclear deal, violated by Washington under Obama and Trump. Last August, Tillerson claimed Washington’s “new strategy breaks from…