Governments are Corporations

Governments are Corporations

The Gold Standard Will Break up the Banking Cartel Power corrupts Nothing ruins people faster than getting too much money with little to no effort. Few bank robbers, lottery winners, or sports stars can resist the temptation of extravagance, luxury, and excess. In just a few years’ time, they’re often broke. Entire nations have succumbed…

Police secure the office of Jordan's prime minister office during a protest in Amman on 2 June (Reuters)

How Jordan Brought Its Economic Woes on Itself

As protests continue in Jordan, the kingdom has put the blame for the economy’s lacklustre performance and controversial tax reforms on IMF-backed austerity measures and a drop in foreign aid. But in reality, say analysts, the economy has been badly managed for decades, while significant amounts of government spending remain undisclosed. ‘The problems were there…

Israel a Leading Tax Haven

Israel a Leading Tax Haven

Countless trillions of dollars are stashed in scores of tax havens worldwide – black holes of hidden wealth, much of it ill-gotten. Largely tax-free, they’re controlled by Wall Street and other powerful financial interests, part of a global tax injustice system, governments complicit with super-wealthy individuals and financial institutions managing their money. Taking advantage are…

Rich Pakistanis Pay Little Under Country’s Unjust Tax System

Rich Pakistanis Pay Little Under Country’s Unjust Tax System

The poorest of the poor pay 80% of taxes collected in Pakistan while the rich, whose total contribution to overall tax revenue does not exceed 5%, enjoy special rights or privileges and a concessionary regime under the country’s unethical tax structure. The poor pay huge indirect taxes on utilities, petrol, and mobile communication which come to…