Torture in Ukraine – Harrowing Testimony from Journalist Laurent Brayard

Torture in Ukraine – Harrowing Testimony from Journalist Laurent Brayard

Stratpol (pro-Russian media) recently interviewed Laurent Brayard, a French journalist and pro-Donbass activist who has been collecting testimonies of Ukraine’s prison survivors: militiamen, spies or innocent passerby, the stories he collected shed a new light on the historical roots of the ongoing conflict, and the methods used by Ukrainians since 2014. What is most horrifying…

What’s Decent About Torture, Assassination, and Secret Surveillance?

What’s Decent About Torture, Assassination, and Secret Surveillance?

In a Los Angeles Times editorial predictably hyping up the extreme danger to “national security” arising from the January 6 Capitol protests, the Times quotes Capitol police officer Harry Dunn as saying, “We represent the good side of America, the people who believe in decency.” Really? So tell us, Officer Dunn, what is decent about…

Rumsfeld’s Legacy of Torture in U.S. Imperialist History

Rumsfeld’s Legacy of Torture in U.S. Imperialist History

Accolades may continue to pour in for Rumsfeld, but history will continue to judge the ravages of U.S. imperialist violence. Fellow U.S. war criminals have eulogized the former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld upon news of his death. “A faithful steward of our armed forces,” former U.S. President George W Bush declared. “A period that brought…

Britain, Land of Tea and Torture

Britain, Land of Tea and Torture

British politics is presently mired in the second general election campaign in three years, thanks to the grinding parliamentary impasse precipitated by Brexit. One of the most important features of the clamor surrounding Brexit is that very few other political issues are getting the sustained scrutiny they demand, or rather, that every piece of current…

Israel has Normalised Torture of Palestinian Prisoners

Israel has Normalised Torture of Palestinian Prisoners

Last week, a Palestinian detainee arrested by Israeli occupation forces was admitted to a Jerusalem hospital suffering from severe injuries, including broken ribs and kidney failure.  Samir Arbeed, 44 and in good health when detained, had been tortured during his interrogation at the hands of Shin Bet agents. According to reports, the agents had been…