Is This Worse Than ’68?

Is This Worse Than ’68?

Saturday, in Pittsburgh, a Sabbath celebration at the Tree of Life synagogue became the site of the largest mass murder of Jews in U.S. history. Eleven worshippers were killed by a racist gunman. Friday, we learned the identity of the crazed criminal who mailed pipe bombs to a dozen leaders of the Democratic Party, including…

Trump is Right: The Fed is a Big Problem

Trump is Right: The Fed is a Big Problem

President Donald J. Trump has taken on the Federal Reserve (Fed), saying that Fed chairman Jerome H. Powell is threatening US economic growth by further raising interest rates. Mainstream economists, the financial press and even some politicians react with indignation: the president’s comments undermine the Fed’s political independence, potentially endangering the confidence in the US dollar….

The Cult of Trump

The Cult of Trump

Cult leaders arise from decayed communities and societies in which people have been shorn of political, social and economic power. The disempowered, infantilized by a world they cannot control, gravitate to cult leaders who appear omnipotent and promise a return to a mythical golden age. The cult leaders vow to crush the forces, embodied in…

Bolsonaro Is a Pivotal Part of Trump’s Plans to Build “Fortress America”

Bolsonaro Is a Pivotal Part of Trump’s Plans to Build “Fortress America”

The election of Jair Bolsonaro as Brazil’s next president is a major step in the direction of Trump’s plans to build a “Fortress America” that he intends will cement the US’ hegemonic influence in the Western Hemisphere by systematically squeezing China out of Latin America. Jair Bolsonaro’s election as Brazil’s next president will go down…

Who Will Save Us from America? Trump’s INF Withdrawal Is a Neocon Dream & Global Nightmare

Who Will Save Us from America? Trump’s INF Withdrawal Is a Neocon Dream & Global Nightmare

Washington’s vow to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty poses again the question: Who will save us from America? If complacency is the enemy of progress hubris is the harbinger of regress. And it is hubris of the most egregious kind that describes the unconscionable decision of the Trump administration to affect…

The Trump Regime Has Launched a Nuclear Arms Race?

The Trump Regime Has Launched a Nuclear Arms Race?

In response to the Trump regime’s unilateral Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty pullout, former Soviet Russia President Mikhail Gorbachev (image below) said the move signals the beginning of a nuclear arms race, saying: “Over 30 years ago, President Ronald Reagan and I signed in Washington the United States Soviet Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-and…