In Spies Battle, Trump Holds the High Ground

In Spies Battle, Trump Holds the High Ground

In backing John Brennan’s right to keep his top-secret security clearance, despite his having charged the president with treason, the U.S. intel community has chosen to fight on indefensible terrain. Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper seemed to recognize that Sunday when he conceded that ex-CIA Director Brennan had the subtlety of “a freight…

Afghan “Viceroy”? Trump Mulling Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Plan to Privatize Longest War

Afghan “Viceroy”? Trump Mulling Blackwater Founder Erik Prince’s Plan to Privatize Longest War

Alexander the Great couldn’t do it. Genghis Khan couldn’t do it. Neither could the British Empire nor NATO and the US military machine. But Erik Prince thinks he can stabilize Afghanistan with his latest mercenary empire?  “I think it will make Erik Prince billions of dollars while he loses the war for us,” a congressional aide…