Obama’s Halloween Scare: Temperamentally Unfit President Threatened War with Russia

Obama’s Halloween Scare: Temperamentally Unfit President Threatened War with Russia

If one wishes to believe NBC News’s «exclusive» report, President Barack Obama almost delivered the Halloween scare of all time on October 31, 2016, just a week before he accused Donald Trump of being «temperamentally unfit» to be commander-in-chief. On Halloween, Obama activated the White House’s «Red Phone» – which is not a phone but…

Trump Warns UN After Israel Vote: ‘Things will be Different’ Soon

Trump Warns UN After Israel Vote: ‘Things will be Different’ Soon

President-elect Donald Trump slammed the Obama administration for its decision not to veto a U.N. resolution critical of Israel’s settlements, promising that it would be “different” under his presidency. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/812390964740427776 Trump’s tweet came about an hour after The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlement building in occupied territories. The…

Passing a Chinese Maritime ‘Trump Test’

Passing a Chinese Maritime ‘Trump Test’

China’s Leninist leadership has rightly been termed the “high church of realpolitik.” Beijing’s leaders believe that even small changes in foreign leaders, correlation of forces, or the relative balance of power have important significance. If they appear in flux, China probes for opportunities. If meeting minimal or manageable resistance, it then pushes further to gain…

A Spy Coup in America?

A Spy Coup in America?

As Official Washington’s latest “group think” solidifies into certainty – that Russia used hacked Democratic emails to help elect Donald Trump – something entirely different may be afoot: a months-long effort by elements of the U.S. intelligence community to determine who becomes the next president. I was told by a well-placed intelligence source some months…

Russophobia and Sinophobia

Russophobia and Sinophobia

It’s by now crystal clear the coup-in-progress against Donald Trump is a made in USA regime change op using standard hybrid war techniques such as manipulation of public opinion by mainstream media. The coup has been articulated by the usual suspects, from neocons to neoliberalcons, “humanitarian” imperialists included, with a special starring role for their…