USA Announces Withdrawal from the Levant: Time for All Parties to Rethink Their Next Move

USA Announces Withdrawal from the Levant: Time for All Parties to Rethink Their Next Move

The sudden announcement of the imminent withdrawal of US forces from north-east Syria is being widely criticised by US pundits, think-tank analysts, and many US establishment voices. They claim that President Donald Trump’s decision may create a vacuum soon to be replaced either by an Iranian proxy militia or by Turkey. But in reality, the…

The Smell of Betrayal Hangs Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

The Smell of Betrayal Hangs Over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

Kurds are well aware from history that friends are often fickle – so US President Donald Trump’s latest actions on Syria will be seen as following an ancient pattern of treachery.  His decision to withdraw US troops from their alliance with the Kurdish autonomy fighters in northeastern Syria comes only a few days after Turkish…

Don’t Be Fooled, Trump’s “Withdrawal” from Syria Isn’t What It Seems

Don’t Be Fooled, Trump’s “Withdrawal” from Syria Isn’t What It Seems

Trump’s decision to “withdraw” US troops from Syria is being universally praised by all but his “deep state” foes, but things aren’t exactly as they seem and the celebrations might be premature because this deceptive move simply changes the nature of the Hybrid Wars on Syria, Iran, and Pakistan by making them less kinetic but…

How the New Silk Roads Are Merging Into Greater Eurasia

How the New Silk Roads Are Merging Into Greater Eurasia

The concept of Greater Eurasia has been discussed at the highest levels of Russian academia and policy-making for some time. This week the policy was presented at the Council of Ministers and looks set to be enshrined, without fanfare, as the main guideline of Russian foreign policy for the foreseeable future. President Putin is unconditionally…

The UAE will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa

The UAE will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa

The announcement that the UAE and India signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly invest in Africa will see Dubai greatly assisting New Delhi in its grand strategy of “multi-aligning” against China there, though Russia could play a stabilizing role by “balancing” many of the various actors engaged in this modern-day “Scramble for Africa”. “Scramble…

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

After Soros Flees Turkey, Will He Flee the Rest of the “Global South” Too?

Soros’ “Open Society Foundation” decided to leave Turkey. The organization’s representatives said that it was due to the recent accusations that they’ve meddled in the country’s internal affairs, which is an allusion to President Erdogan’s claims last week about their involvement in the 2013 Gezi Park Color Revolution attempt and is ironically the group’s raison…