The Great Game of Divisiveness Draws Nearer to the End

The Great Game of Divisiveness Draws Nearer to the End

From the most recent lunacy propagated by western “democracies,” my recent suggestion that Washington wants to give half of Ukraine to Poland may have merit. But, news, the Germans have been blackmailed into sending some old Leopard tanks to Ukraine bears watching since this move will undoubtedly sever Russo-German ties for good. And the fact…

A Tale of Three Cities

A Tale of Three Cities

One might actually be willing to consider that there might be some value in the “rules based international order” being promoted by the Joe Biden Administration if such a thing actually existed and was applied equally to all transgressors. Of course, in reality, the “rules” being referred to are neither agreed upon nor driven by…

Russia-Ukraine war 2.0: First Tanks, Then F16s… Where Does this End?

Russia-Ukraine war 2.0: First Tanks, Then F16s… Where Does this End?

Almost as soon as major Nato countries, led by the US, promised to supply Ukraine with battle tanks, the cry went up warning that tanks alone would be unlikely to turn the war’s tide against Russia.  The subtext – the one western leaders hope their publics will not notice – is that Ukraine is struggling…

What Hersh Got Wrong

What Hersh Got Wrong

There’s something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh’s report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There are a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting ‘the unvarnished truth’ than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda. That is not to say that…

Mission Accomplished: Seymour Hersh, Nordstream, and What’s Left on the Cutting Room Floor

Mission Accomplished: Seymour Hersh, Nordstream, and What’s Left on the Cutting Room Floor

On Wednesday, I turned 55 and I got one of the best birthday presents a guy like me could ever ask for, a major geopolitical bombshell.  Seymour Hersh published his first article in a long time on the bombing of the Nordstream pipeline bombing, directly implicating major players within the “Biden” administration. Hersh’s story is…