From ‘Russian Meddling’ to Iran Regime Change: Social Media as Tools of US Policy

From ‘Russian Meddling’ to Iran Regime Change: Social Media as Tools of US Policy

As US-based social media companies crack down on dissent at home in the name of fighting phantom ‘Russian meddling,’ Washington seeks to leverage them for regime change in places like Iran. If social media platform Twitter can ban German politicians for incitement (of race hate), then why doesn’t it apply the same sanction on President…

Trump Beware: Pakistan’s Luck Playing China Card Is Turning

Trump Beware: Pakistan’s Luck Playing China Card Is Turning

At the lowest ebb of the last annus horribilis for US-Pakistan ties in 2011, soon after the special forces raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan brandished the China card: if relations with Washington were going into a tailspin, Islamabad would turn to Beijing instead. They were rebuffed. China discreetly made it clear…

US Suspending Aid to Pakistan Benefits China and Russia

US Suspending Aid to Pakistan Benefits China and Russia

US geopolitics is unacceptably hostile. On Thursday, the State Department “placed Pakistan on a Special Watch List for severe violations of religious freedom.” A nation at war with Islam at home and abroad outrageously accused the country of religious violations – instead of taking steps to clean up its own vile agenda. Separately on Thursday,…

Mapping a World From Hell: 76 Countries Are Now Involved in Washington’s War on Terror

Mapping a World From Hell: 76 Countries Are Now Involved in Washington’s War on Terror

He left Air Force Two behind and, unannounced, “shrouded in secrecy,” flew on an unmarked C-17 transport plane into Bagram Air Base, the largest American garrison in Afghanistan. All news of his visit was embargoed until an hour before he was to depart the country. More than 16 years after an American invasion “liberated” Afghanistan,…

Trump’s Failed Coup in Iran

Trump’s Failed Coup in Iran

Listen to the state-‘guided’ US media this past week and you’d believe a series of spontaneous anti-government protests broke out across Iran. The protests, according to President Donald Trump and his Israeli allies, were caused by `anger over Iran’s spending billions on wars in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and helping the Palestinian movement Hamas.’ Trump…