Is the U.S. Able to Handle COVID-19? – Global Prospects Hang on This Question

Is the U.S. Able to Handle COVID-19? – Global Prospects Hang on This Question

As the lockdowns across Europe began to bite, the U.S. Establishment began its ‘wobble’. The more elegant amongst élite circles pointed to a dangerous mis-match in timelines: The medical advice has been: ‘lockdown until the virus begins to subside’, but that advice encompassed too, the possibility of Covid-19 returning later in the year in a…

North Macedonia Accession to NATO Aims to Maintain Unipolarity in Multipolarity Age

North Macedonia Accession to NATO Aims to Maintain Unipolarity in Multipolarity Age

Bulgaria says there is no Macedonian language but rather it is a Bulgarian dialect. There is academic consensus that the Ancient Macedonians were Greek. Albanians claim nearly half of North Macedonia in their project for Greater Albania. North Macedonia is a complex and complicated country, but despite this fact, on Friday, it became NATO’s thirtieth…

“The Russians are Coming”

“The Russians are Coming”

“The Russians are coming”, a phrase allegedly uttered by US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal while suffering from mental illness in 1949, is still in use today by certain media outlets (at the behest of, as conspiracy theorists would say, American and British intelligence agencies). And recently, this “prophecy” has indeed come to pass. The…

A Few Recent Political Developments Which Should Not Go Unnoticed

A Few Recent Political Developments Which Should Not Go Unnoticed

The COVID19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is, by any measure, an immense planetary crisis which will probably change the world we live in forever. Still, there are other issues which are maybe not quite as dramatic and important, but which deserve not to be forgotten. Here are some of those The grand betrayal of Tulsi Gabbard: it was…