Bolton Has Left the Building – Hopefully, So Too Have His Crackpot Ideas

Bolton Has Left the Building – Hopefully, So Too Have His Crackpot Ideas

John Bolton is no longer Donald Trump’s national security adviser and no right thinking person will mourn the departure of this noxious neocon. Though, as befits the chaos of the Trump White House, there is a dispute over whether Bolton resigned or was fired, for a world laboring under the dead weight of US exceptionalism…

Some of the Many Things Most Americans Never Heard About 9/11

Some of the Many Things Most Americans Never Heard About 9/11

The “Dancing Israelis” who turned out to be Israeli Mossad agents caught filming and celebrating the destruction of the twin towers. Arrested by police and released without investigation, they were not mentioned in the 911 Commission Report. Later on Israeli TV they said they were sent to New York to film the destruction of the…

More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative

More Americans Questioning Official 9/11 Story As New Evidence Contradicts Official Narrative

Today the event that defined the United States’ foreign policy in the 21st century, and heralded the destruction of whole countries, turns 18. The events of September 11, 2001 remains etched into the memories of Americans and many others, as a collective tragedy that brought Americans together and brought as well a general resolve among…

Bolton’s Failures in Venezuela, Iran, Afghanistan and Russia Proved to be His Downfall

Bolton’s Failures in Venezuela, Iran, Afghanistan and Russia Proved to be His Downfall

Trump’s decision to fire Bolton likely stemmed from the latter’s string of failures in Venezuela, Iran, Afghanistan, and Russia, with the American President finally realizing that enough is enough and that he needs to once again shuffle the “deep state” deck if he’s to start “winning” on the hard power foreign policy front ahead of…