The Vaccine Race Continues

The Vaccine Race Continues

Several dozens of coronavirus vaccines are being tested worldwide. By mid-December 2020 seven of them were approved for full or limited use worldwide. Here’s a brief overview. (Click on the image to enlarge) By [‘Strategic Culture’, ‘Also This Author’] Source: Strategic Culture

Big Pharma Propaganda and the COVID-19 Vaccine: The U.S. Government’s Legacy of Human Experimentations

Big Pharma Propaganda and the COVID-19 Vaccine: The U.S. Government’s Legacy of Human Experimentations

It is important to focus on the history of experimental vaccines. This article reviews the Tuskegee Syphilis Study in Macon County, Alabama that began in 1932 as well as other US government experiments that infected sick and vulnerable people with syphilis and other deadly diseases applied in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948. In Macon County, Alabama, the U.S. government…

Big Pharma Business Model Is Serious Obstacle to Wiping Out COVID-19

Big Pharma Business Model Is Serious Obstacle to Wiping Out COVID-19

New research released today by Global Justice Now examines the history of some of the leading corporations producing coronavirus medicines, warning that their business model is likely to make controlling the pandemic more difficult, despite the rapid production of vaccines. The report, The horrible history of Big Pharma: Why we can’t leave pharmaceutical corporations in the…

Warning: Covid Vaccines! Huge Risks, Huge Injuries – Huge Compensations?

Warning: Covid Vaccines! Huge Risks, Huge Injuries – Huge Compensations?

Did you know that the US Government since 1988 paid as of 1 December 2020 more than 4.4 billion dollars to vaccine-injury victims? – It’s your money – Taxpayers Money. This is Health Services and Service Administration Vaccine Injury Compensation Data The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), was set up in 1988, to compensate for…